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Project List
■Research on Overseas Educational Institution in 2014 (Philippines, Netherlands, Belgium)(2012/12 - 2015/3)
■Feasibility Study for Establishment of Turkey-Japan University of Science and Technology(2014/9 - 2014/12)
■Research Project on Industrial Human Resource Development in Sri Lanka(2013/ - 2014)
■The Survey on Mobility of Japanese Students Studying Abroad(2013/ - 2014)
■Survey on the Potentials of International Expansion of Japanese Higher Education Programs(2013/ - 2014)
■Terminal Evaluation of Establishment of Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) Project / Detailed design study for E-JUST Phase 2 (Evaluation Analysis)(2013/5 - 2013/7)
■Terminal Evaluation of Establishment of Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) Project / Detailed design study for E-JUST Phase 2 (Industry Relation & Industry Human Development Needs)(2013/4 - 2013/7)
■Asian Youth Fellowship Program (AYF)(1995/ - 2012)
■Survey on the human resource development in business sector in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar(2012/1 - 2012/7)
■Survey on cross-border higher education in Southeast Asian countries(2012/1 - 2012/3)