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Project List - Activity : Research and Study

Utilizing Asia SEED's strong network with governments and educational institutions in various countries, we investigate, collect, and analyze information on issues relating to higher education, science and technology, culture, economy, and industry that exist between Japan and other countries, and make recommendations based on these findings.

■Data Collection Survey on Strengthening Apparatus Management and Development in Indonesia(2022/9 - 2023/8)

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■Preparatory Survey on Vietnam-Japan University Campus Construction Project in The Socialist Republic of Vietnam(2021/4 - 2022/5)

It was indicated that the shortage of middle-level management staff and technical staff was occurred in Vietnam because only 30% of all the working population w……

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■Creation of Export Handbook for Thai Food Exporters(2021/5 - 2021/9)

■Data Collection Survey and Problem Analysis for Strengthening the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)(2020/11 - 2021/9)

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■Data Collection Survey on Higher Education and Vocational Education Sectors in Indonesia(2020/3 - 2021/9)

■2020 Thematic Evaluation: Analysis of Evaluation Methods for JICA Scholarship Programs(2020/9 - 2021/8)

Scholarship programs at the JICA have been expanding. However, ex-post evaluations for these programs have been conducted only to a limited extent. From the per……

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■Research on the International Cooperation Projects for Response to Population Ageing in Thailand(2020/11 - 2021/7)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been cooperating with the Government of Thailand to deal with population ageing in Thailand for more than a de……

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■Trade Feasibility Study for ASEAN States(2020/11 - 2021/3)

■Review on Professional Human Resource Development Project in Indonesia(2019/2 - 2019/9)

■Data Collection Survey on Possibilities of Educational Support with ICT and Japanese Companies Promotion in Mongolia(2019/2 - 2019/3)